Caring For Your Growth
To provide good quality of education based on Christian Values
Menyelenggarakan pendidikan berkualitas yang berlandaskan nilai – nilai Kristiani
To become a renowned, independent Christian school that develops students’ and staffs’ potential optimally, equipped with good moral values and able to contribute actively in the global society.
Menjadi sekolah Kristen terkemuka, mandiri, yang mengembangkan potensi siswa dan karyawan secara optimal, berbudi pekerti luhur dan mampu berperan aktif dalam masyarakat global.
Each Individual is precious in the eyes of God (Gen 1:18-19)
Values and encourage initiativeness, hard effort and creativity
Honest and uphold integrity
Serve with the love of Christ (1 Cor. 13)
Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 9:10)